The following are Hollywood Nitwits whose careers either have been or should be hurt because of their disrespect for our country or president and/or their responsibility for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people throughout the world by their supplying the talking points for terrorists and for insurgents in Iraq. The list also includes racists like Michael Richards who, instead of apologizing courageously, uses politically correct racism as a ploy to pander to those he offended. The list does not include actors like Mel Gibson, who have made a mistake, but who generally have been decent, and who apologized appropriately for what they did or said. This list is only partial, a beginning; and it includes one pseudo-celebrity, darling of the left and of Hollywood, Cindy Sheehan.

For the rest of the airhead celebrity photos, go to Political Cartoon, just below the cartoon.
The Hall of Shame
Danny DeVitoSusan Sarandon
Tim Robbins
Alec Baldwin
Rosie O’Donnell (View representatives)
Joy Behar
Katey Sagal
Sean Penn
Oliver Stone
Michael Moore
David Letterman
Bruce Springsteen
The Dixie Chicks
Bill Maher
George Carlin
Keith Olberman
Cindy Sheehan (pseudo celebrity)
Ed Asner
Martin Sheen, Charlie Sheen, Emilio Estevez
Michael Richards
George Clooney
Chevy Chase
What About Free Speech?
Free speech does not guarantee speech without consequences. It means you won’t be locked up in jail for saying it; but it doesn’t imply that you are free from reactions to what you say. If you say the President is a terrorist, I am free to rejoin that you are an airhead. I am free not to pay my hard-earned money to see your movie or go to your concert, Dixie to show/hide the rest of the post
Compare this Bunch of Hollywood Nitwits with Actors During WWII
Jimmy Stewart flew airplanes in the war. John Wayne was gung ho patriotic. Actors helped the U.S. government raise money for the war effort by freely advertising for bonds. Movies were patriotic. Hollywood had good, intelligent people during that war. Look at the crowd we have now. Shame on you, Hollywood, for your lack of respect for everything good. For your hatred of the country that gave you your fame and money. For your denigrating the capitalism that created the wealth in your pocket. For your failure to stand with the United States in a time of war.This is the worst batch of performers (as judged by their contribution to society) in U.S. history, and they ought to feel it where it hurts the most, at the box office.
Of course, I don’t advocate creating an official blacklist. That would be illegal, and even un-American. I wouldn’t want to do that. Let’s keep this unofficial. I just want us good Americans to use our right of free speech to protest our Hollywood nitwits and anti-Americans. It’s going on already, in case you didn’t notice. The Dixie Chicks aren’t selling out their concerts in certain areas. They’ve even lost their natural audience, the country music crowd. Attendance is down for Alec Baldwin movies, and for Susan Sarandon and Tim Robbins ventures.Being a movie buff and screenwriter, I will still view an Alec Baldwin movie, if I must. If the movie is so good I have to see it, I’ll see it. I will, however, wait to watch it for free on commercial television or cable if I can. Then, on the other hand, I’ll deliberately go out of my way to invest in a movie made by a good American, like Ron Silver or Dennis Miller or Billy Baldwin.
Again, I’m not out to stop Hollywood actors, or anyone else, from expressing their heartfelt views in public. What I want from them, though, is that when they do express themselves, they remain respectful of our country, our president, and of the 50% of the nation who disagree with their views. I don’t want these nitwits calling our president a terrorist, a war criminal, or making fun of the way he talks, or giving talking points to Al-Queda.
Will Hollywood Ever Learn?
I knew the recent movie Bobby (see also the movie Bobby) would be a flop. You cannot tell a riveting political story if you are a liberal. Liberals cannot help but inject their insipid leftist preaching into any political movie, as in the awful JFK, by Oliver Stone. Leftists will praise JFK, as Roger Ebert does, but half of America knows it is a load of crap. As Steve Erickson said about one group of Hollywood numbskulls, they are “hapless Hollywood nitwits who got their heads lodged squarely up their asses searching for Stalinist paradise.” (Salon Archives)I will never trust a political movie in the hands of a liberal. Let a conservative produce and direct Bobby and then you have a chance of getting a truthful movie, which will be riveting.
My Advice for Hollywood
Open your doors to conservative actors, directors, writers and producers, and your box office will rise. Get educated, in science, history, political science and the principles of liberty. Learn to appreciate the great nation that gave you your wealth and fame. Stand up for her in times of national stress. Be respectful of her and her leaders at all times. You can disagree with policy, but when you do so, get educated on the facts, and be careful in your presentation. Finally, don’t open your mouths about politics unless you have something important, true and intelligent to say. As Laura Ingraham says, Shut Up and Sing.Rock
(*Wikipedia is always my source unless indicated.)
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Sergeant Charlie, your comments are still appearing in my emails but I click Publish and it won't publish.
This is your comment:
Well Mr Rock, I have been trying to post on your site for several weeks, Your photos look like a horrow show.
The Old Sarge
hi rock, for some reason charlie can't post on your comments, don't know why, anyway he asked that you go read his letter to you on his blog, it was meant to go in a comment here. thanks.....bee
Empress Bee, yes I can't get Charlie's comments to publish. I assume you mean the letter he wrote about a week ago? I'll go ahead and publish it. I just received a small comment today, which I've placed above.
Empress Bee, I am very sad because now Sergeant Charlie's comment has seemed to disappear from my files. What is going on? I'm serious. Charlie is the only commenter who has had these problems. Everybody else can comment and get published. Is there a virus? It's over my head. Sorry. I repeat, I will print anything Charlie says, as I love the man and what he stands for. Keep sending comments, and I'll publish them immediately from now on.
Thanks, and great honor to you Charlie, and Sergeant Dub.
Hey Rock,
What I can't understand is why people actually CARE what ACTORS say! The stuff these nuts say is only 1 step away from the Enquirer and the World Weekly News. Methinks they feel guilty for being rich and want to make us all pay for thier guilt.I would however, give an honorable mention to Tom Cruise just for being "creepy"
Cal Trask, thanks for your comments. You said:
What I can't understand is why people actually CARE what ACTORS say! The stuff these nuts say is only 1 step away from the Enquirer and the World Weekly News. Methinks they feel guilty for being rich and want to make us all pay for thier guilt.I would however, give an honorable mention to Tom Cruise just for being "creepy"
I agree with you to a certain extent, except that their propaganda gets aired so often. I worked with kids for many years and I saw that, unfortunately, they get most of what they "know" about the world from celebrities. Letterman and Jon Stewart are their "news." I think the celebrity airheads do have an effect, also on older people. Just as the responsible celebrities in WWII had their effect.
Cruise doesn't bother me. In fact, he stands out as an individual in lock-step Hollywood, so I like him. But thanks for your view.
A really good post! I am surprised that no one posted a comment back in those pre-election days of October. I guess there was just so much politicing going on that none of us noticed.
I only got here as I revisited your site after the holiday greeting I received today (Dec. 2). I spend hours checking out the wikipedia articles about the "conservative" celebrities. They are all just "human" of course, but I found socially conservatives a rare find among them. It is easier to be a fiscal conservative - especially when you have money.
Chuck Norris seems to be the closest to a traditional conservative among those sited, while Arnold Schwarzenegger seems to be mostly just a fiscal conservative.
I wonder if this comment was meant for today’s post rather than where I found it. I’m going to post it on today’s post too, just in case.
There are some social conservatives in Hollywood—Billy Baldwin and Patricia Heally (spelling?) (Everybody Loves Raymond), but they remain very quiet. They can’t speak out for fear of losing jobs.
Thanks, though, for the kind remarks about visiting my blog. However, your recent note (I forget about which blog) was one of the few comments I have received. I have stopped posting just to post (I had posted over 150 days straight!) after I posted some really uncoherent stuff (some of which I even went back and edited!). So, don't just visit. Comment.
I promise to reciprocate.
This is my dilemma, as I’m sure yours too. I spend so much time researching and writing my blog, that I don’t have much time to devote to doing other things I’d like to be doing, like commenting on other blogs. I’ll try to increase my capacity to do this, though, as you’re right, it’s best to reciprocate. Thanks.
There is one comment I need to make about the liberals in Hollywood. First, as much as it pains me, I have to respect Tim Robbins and Susan Surandon, because they actually stay in America to voice their discontent. I don't agree with them at all, but that's everyone's rights. But, people like the Dixie Chicks, George Clooney, and Danny Glover who go to foreign countries to spew their Anti-American hatred really bothers me. I will still go to movies if the actors still possess the ability to separate themselves from their politics to act, but that gets harder the farther they go.
Sgt. Dub, you said:
First, as much as it pains me, I have to respect Tim Robbins and Susan Sarandon, because they actually stay in America to voice their discontent. I don't agree with them at all, but that's everyone's rights.
I agree with you, I respect everyone’s right to voice their discontent also, Sgt. Dub. I just am making the point that I have that right too. My free speech is to say that they are wrong when I believe they are wrong, and to say they are airheads when I feel they are airheads. I also believe I have the right not to spend my money on them. What you choose to say and do, Sgt. Dub, are also your rights. You can say you agree/disagree/love/hate or whatever you feel about them. I am not advocating an official boycott of these celebrities. I do feel, though, that they need to hear how people feel about the things they say. Plus, I would be delighted if they suffered economically to the point where they still express how they feel but do it in a more diplomatic way.
I don’t agree with the opinion that they have the right to say dumb things and I don’t have the right to respond, because of free speech. This is not part of the bargain of free speech. You say how you feel, and I say how I feel. That’s the bargain.
But, people like the Dixie Chicks, George Clooney, and Danny Glover who go to foreign countries to spew their Anti-American hatred really bothers me. I will still go to movies if the actors still possess the ability to separate themselves from their politics to act, but that gets harder the farther they go.
Gwyneth Paltro is the latest star to leave America and live abroad, while badmouthing the U.S.A. You’d think just being diplomatic would be a consideration in a profession that depends on image.
So what difference does it make whether they complain about the country's activities here or abroad. Do their opinions/ability to speak freely get curtailed because they are speaking to a foreign audience?
You may not agree with their opinions regarding the US government activities, inactivities or foreign policies, but it doesn't make them "treasonous" for expressing their opinions IN other countries. They have the right and ability to say what they want, when they want, where they want- regardless of what anyone else thinks. Isn't that what "freedom of speech" is all about?
I know you think that it gives the US a "bad name" when people talk bad about the goings-on of the country, but it seems to me that these celebs are just expressing what a very large portion of the US population believes. What's wrong with that? Keeping domestic discontent within the borders doesn't eliminate the discontent. It's a time of war, yes, BUT nearly half of the country disagreed with it from the beginning, and even more disagree with it now. Granted, celebs' opinions get more press than say, THE PRESIDENT. At the same time Bush has lost virtually all credibility due to his lack of (or inability to have) honset and open communication with the American citizens and the world. How treasonous is HIS dishonesty?
Paz, thanks for your comments. You said:
So what difference does it make whether they complain about the country's activities here or abroad. Do their opinions/ability to speak freely get curtailed because they are speaking to a foreign audience? You may not agree with their opinions regarding the US government activities, inactivities or foreign policies, but it doesn't make them "treasonous" for expressing their opinions IN other countries. They have the right and ability to say what they want, when they want, where they want- regardless of what anyone else thinks. Isn't that what "freedom of speech" is all about?
Once again, Paz, they have a right to say what they think and feel, and so do I. If they say something I regard as stupid, I agree they have a right to say it; but I have a right to say I think it’s stupid.
How are we infringing on free speech by criticizing a what someone says? The person can still speak, all day long, in any country they want--and nobody's going to lock them up for it. That does not mean they are immune from criticism. They are not. That is not part of the bargain.
I don’t say they are committing treason. I say they are ignoring common sense. They bash a country that gave them their wealth, including bashing capitalism, when they are the biggest capitalists around. It is hypocritical. Plus, they are public figures. Public figures need to know that they should weigh their words carefully. If they want to criticize, they don’t have to be vicious. They can just state their views and be reasonable. Third, I don’t see them having the courage to say these things in front of American cameras. I call this cowardly.
I know you think that it gives the US a "bad name" when people talk bad about the goings-on of the country, but it seems to me that these celebs are just expressing what a very large portion of the US population believes. What's wrong with that? Keeping domestic discontent within the borders doesn't eliminate the discontent. It's a time of war, yes, BUT nearly half of the country disagreed with it from the beginning, and even more disagree with it now. Granted, celebs' opinions get more press than say, THE PRESIDENT. At the same time Bush has lost virtually all credibility due to his lack of (or inability to have) honest and open communication with the American citizens and the world. How treasonous is HIS dishonesty?
You as a blogger have the right to say this kind of thing. I disagree with everything you just said, but you have the right to say it. If you are abroad, though, representing your country in a time of war, I think you need to be careful of what you say. Terrorists are actually using these vicious words to encourage their troups. American soldiers are dying because some radical Muslim was told that Americans themselves think Bush is a terrorist anyway, and that American soldiers deserve to die because of Abu Gharaib etc. Words do matter. Words can kill. People are free to speak; but then they must realize their words have consequences; plus, I have a right to speak my opinion about the people that use these words.
I think you missed my point, or maybe I didn't articulate it well enough. I wasn't implying that you're trying to infringe of their civil rights. I was trying to say that it doesn't matter WHERE American dissent against the war is voiced, or who voices it for that matter. Words do matter, I agree, but the idea that people should in effect "watch what they say" in a time of war is asinine.
1. Terrorists will use WHATEVER they can to justify their devious actions- celeb's words, protests, jailings, dead mules, opium plants- much like modern politicians will use whatever they can to win votes in an election. Both of them are masters of propaganda.
2. Do you think the terrorists who are trying to shore up morale are determining which anti-war propaganda to use based on WHERE the dissenter said it? Of course not.
3. It's not just celebs overseas who are disagreeing with the war, it's 55-60% of today's US population that's against the war, 40% of which have NEVER supported the war to begin with.
4. An anti-war actor/singer in London, Tokyo or Quito who expresses that sentiment isn't "representing their country in a time of war"- they're a performer who states their opinion in public. Obviously the news footage travels back to the US as quickly as it's said and people who disagree (like yourself) can criticize them for it as quickly as you hear it. In essence, it doesn't matter where it's said because modern technology allows international cameras to become "American" cameras with the click of a button.
5. Cocky and disrespectful American tourists do more to give the US a bad name on the global stage than the Dixie Chicks, G. Clooney or Oliver Stone.
6. There is a difference between "bashing the US" and publically voicing the issues that are plaguing the country, namely the Iraq war and the US's present-day foreign policy structure.
7. Riddle me this Batman: Is G.W. Bush a "coward" because he (like celebs overseas) ONLY speaks in front of handpicked, receptive audiences who support him without a second thought?
I agree with you that there was more of a national effort to support the war during the fight against the Germans and Nazis in the 40's, but the country was unified for the most part about the cause. Everyone KNEW what was at stake if Hitler and Hirohito weren't turned back. Again, the the Iraq war isn't about facts and proof (which is what you are all about, right?) it's been about speculations and assumptions (the very thing you reject regarding conspiracies), and the questions about WHY we're fighting there AREN'T being answered. Americans are smart enough not to put blind support behind a cause simply because the government says we should. Maybe THAT is why the government has put no public emphasis on war bonds, rationing and civilian sacrifice.....
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