Saturday, October 28, 2006

Blacks Face Their Biggest Enemy

So, What Country Is this? “Disparity Between Rich & Poor Spurs Violence” Suzanne Goldenberg, Washington, The Guardian

In a city that is 60% black, African-American students have the lowest performance levels in the country; overall 37% of Washingtonians cannot read well enough to fill out a job application. Four percent carry the HIV virus - a higher rate of infection than any other American city. Mr. Chambliss argues that such divisions find an outlet in violent crime. “It creates an anger and a callousness towards those people who benefit from society,” he says. “There is a parallel with terrorism where the upper class white people become the enemy just as the western infidels become the enemy of Islam. I see this as a pattern that could be the beginning of a very serious change in crime, and where it is committed, and how it is committed."

Truth from a Few Prominent Black Leaders

Several Blacks have expressed the truth lately on this kind of issue, including Bill Cosby and Larry Elder. Read their recent years’ remarks and works and you’ll find much wisdom on the subject of black underachievement. This is relevant to me, a white man, because black leaders in recent years have blamed the government, racism, and the white man for their plight.

The DC situation repeats itself all over the country, in pockets, from Watts to Detroit to Chicago. The truth is, though, that while the black middle class has grown steadily, it doesn’t get the press of the black poor. More blacks own homes now, for instance, than at any time in history. More blacks are middle class, period, than at any time in history. Yet, there remain those troubling pockets.

I also am reminded of a distinct difference between the success of foreign-born blacks who come to America, like those from Nigeria. Why do they succeed, while homegrown blacks in D.C. fail?

Cosby and Elder have the answers. I have my answer too.

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How Did Cosby and Elder Make It in America?

Cosby and Elder are two blacks who made it big in America. Why? They worked hard, ignored racism, got educated, and accepted no excuses for themselves. This is the universal formula for success. Anyone who follows these precepts will make it in America, with one level of success or another. Larry Elder, for example, grew up in a poor neighborhood in Watts. His father was a janitor and his mother a maid. He just worked hard, learned proper English, got educated, and became a lawyer, then a national radio talk show host.

Who Should We Blame for Black Underachievement?

Who is keeping blacks back at this time in history? Mostly, it’s the Democratic Party. The Democrats preach victimhood and the blacks buy it. I blame the blacks too for accepting the role of victims, but the Democrats do their best to keep pounding the idea into national consciousness.

This is the message Democrats preach, loud and clear:

You, my ignorant, helpless, unfortunate black men and women, are the victims of racism. You are not capable of earning a living, so we’ll help you. You aren’t smart enough to get into college, so we’ll enact a quota. You aren’t good enough at business to compete, so we’ll force people to do business with you. Your vote isn’t even counted because of voter fraud.

You deserve to feel enraged at the white man, so we, the Democratic Party, will partner with you in denouncing whites. You can join with us because we’re the party that hates whites. In fact, we hate racist, homophobic, capitalistic, big-business, lying, cheating America as much as you do.

We’ll raise your taxes, but in return we’ll let you stand in line for our handouts. You won’t ever become rich, because corporate America will never allow that, but you can at least have our free health clinic. I know you’ll have to stand in line awhile there too, and the care you get won’t be great, but that’s because the rich people won’t give even more money to help these clinics.

Life is against you. Whites and the corporations will never let you rise. With us, though, you will have a voice. You can come to our political rallies and complain. You can carry signs and denounce America right along with us, and that will make you feel better.

I could go on, but you get the idea. You think I’m exaggerating? Not a bit. That is exactly the Democratic message to minorities.

The Democratic Message to Whites

Its message to whites is similar, but veers more towards the guilt angle.

You, my white, rich constituent, have made your money through corruption and greed. You ought to give back most of it in the form of taxes, so we can help the minorities. The more money you give us, the better person you are. America is a bad country. We are war-mongering, imperialistic, racist bigots. We must do penance. Our penance is to denounce ourselves and give all our money to the government and the Democratic Party.

And on and on.

Enemy of the People

Of course, when the Democrats do get those taxes, they create bigger bureaucracies, which never do get the money into the hands of the minorities. They make sure the little money that does reach the street is in the form of handouts, too, and not anything that will actually help minorities become truly successful. They dole out fish instead of teaching men and women to fish. They penalize, with higher taxes and regulations, the very companies that could provide the avenue to wealth for minorities.

Again, this is not an exaggeration. In America today, from taxes to war, and on this issue of minority underachievement, the Democratic Party is the enemy of blacks, the enemy of all minorities, the enemy of the people.

As I’ve said, liberalism is a legitimate political philosophy, but not in the hands of the demagogues of the present-day Democratic Party.


(*Wikipedia is always my source unless indicated.)

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Sarge Charlie said...

go figure, we have well educated well spoken black people and they are uncle toms. Yet we have well educated well spoken blak people and they, Harold Ford and O-rock-O-Bama, and they are not uncle toms. What is the difference, simple, some tell the truth, and som work to keep black people locked in their hopelessness. The truth is, their real problem is that they are victums of "The Great Society".

Rock said...

Tom, if you don't object, I'm going to post your comment as a post. I'll clean up the grammar etc. but keep your words. If that's all right, it will appear tomorrow.


Rock said...

Tom, if you don't object, I'm going to post your comment as a post. I'll clean up the grammar etc. but keep your words. If that's all right, it will appear tomorrow.
