I went to a garden party to reminisce with my old friends
A chance to share old memories and play our songs again.
When I got to the garden party, they all knew my name
No one recognized me, I didn't look the same.
But it's all right now, I learned my lesson well.
You see, you can't please everyone, so you got to please yourself.
Rick Nelson’s Garden Party
I went to another Hollywood garden party on Sunday. It was very enjoyable and I saw several of my old friends, a screenwriter on the outs, an up and coming screenwriter, a creative arts director for a film company, and my screenplay writing partners. Plus, just a bunch of nice people. They were all fun, interesting, intelligent, caring people. I had a great time.
Of course, I was the only conservative at the whole party. And, of course, the topic soon turned to politics. And, of course, the nonsense started to flow.
It amazes me that intelligent people like this can be so bamboozled. They are obviously well read. Yet, the things they read are so biased that I am stunned they don’t see it. I still believe, and I think this could be tested, that liberals and conservatives use different parts of their brains for processing.
I’ve partially said this before, but I’ll state it more completely now in this post, that I notice, as a social scientist, a certain cluster of traits I believe are related to being liberal. I want to caveat this by saying at this time in history. Classic liberals are probably not this way.
Cluster of Liberal Traits
I’m going to spell out my observations on this now. I invite one of you intelligent liberals to do the same thing about conservatives. I can think of a few traits that seem to go with conservatives too. Anyway, it appears to me that hardcore liberals of today:click to show/hide the rest of the post
1. Are well read. They read voraciously—anything that is progressive, liberal, anti-Bush, anti-American, anti-capitalism, anti-war, pro-environmentalism, pro-animal … you get the picture. They read these things and take them for gospel truth. They never question anything that is on the printed page, as long as it is written by a raging liberal.
George Bush murdered his grandmother, did you know that? Laura Bush has secret tea parties with witch covens. Dick Cheney belongs to a cabal of oil interests. There are twelve people who control the world.
2. They are extremely gullible, as you can tell from the above. Again, if a liberal tells a liberal something, then it must be true.
3. They believe exclusively in holistic medicine. I can understand them on this issue, since I don’t have much respect for the medical profession the way it is set up nowadays. I know there are many good doctors out there, and I apologize to you, but I believe that medicine today is set up just to write prescriptions for pills. Many doctors know and care little about health, prevention, vitamins, healthy living, and so on.
Still, the liberals tend to go overboard. One of my friends has literally stopped taking treatment for cancer and instead takes an expensive pill that “oxygenates” his blood. All these liberal friends of his applaud him for this. They, of course, believe in Echinacea, for example, which has been proven to have little effect on anything. In short, liberals don’t believe in medicine or science, but they do believe in witch doctors and snake-oil salesmen.
I too try to keep one eye on the holistic medicine kinds of things, because there is some research on some of it, which once in awhile reveals a true benefit. Yet the field is unregulated, and full of charlatans who play on people’s hopes and dreams, and fears. Which leads me to my next point.
4. Liberals are woefully uneducated (as are some conservatives, like Dennis Prager and Rush Limbaugh, but we’ll get into that another day) on science and the scientific method. They might have good liberal arts credentials and be well versed in Shakespeare, which I consider a plus, but their knowledge of science is Stone Age.
Liberals believe in science, but the science they believe in is pseudo-science. They don’t realize that just because a study was done, doesn’t mean that the results were valid. They fall prey to the crackpot leftist pseudo-scientists who do studies to promote their snake-oil products. This is where they get the idea to ingest little pills that “oxygenate” their blood. Don’t take me wrong. If it were shown, in a legitimate scientific study, by reputable scientists, with proper controls and statistics, that these little pills worked, then I’d be the first in line to buy them. But then, so would medical doctors. This kind of pill would make them a lot of money. The pill, though, is not sold by medical doctors, because they know they would be sued, for fraud at the very least, if not for murder. You can only get these pills from the quacks.
Are there legitimate holistic “doctors”? Yes, probably, but it’s probably as rare as finding a liberal who can think. Ouch!
5. Hardcore liberals believe in all the occult stuff. Who am I to talk? Yes, I am guilty to a certain extent, and I don’t want to be a hypocrite. I believe in the Course in Miracles, Deepak Chopra, Wayne Dyer, Marianne Williamson, karma, and all that good stuff. But I don’t take it to the extreme. As I’ve said in one of my posts, most of these philosophies represent only the yin, which makes them automatically incomplete. What is lacking is the yang, the hard parts of life, the tough decisions, the realization that war is sometimes necessary, the need for disciplining children and so on.
Liberals believe only in yin, the feminine, pacifist, fluid-like force that must also be a part of life, but which if unbalanced by yang, will lead to bad things. It is not these liberals’ belief in let’s say witches, for example, that bothers me. It’s their exclusive belief in witches that bothers me. They hate Christianity but love witchcraft. I love both, and I reject the bad parts of both. Jesus and Christianity, in my opinion, have much to teach us. Yet, the Inquisition and raping little altar boys were despicable. Wicca can teach us about mysterious spiritual forces and rituals. I’m a big believe in rituals. Yet, Wicca has been used by some people as a tool of hatred and even murder.
I think that liberals are easy victims of any cult. I understand the appeal of a cult. You get instant friendship, loyalty, family, love and appreciation. What you give up literally is your soul. Liberals are, in my opinion, like all of us, hungering for human connections, only more than most. Liberals give up their intellectual honesty in order to belong.
If you are a snake-oil salesman, a cult leader, or an occult proselytizer, pitch your wares to a liberal. It’s almost a sure thing.
6. Liberals believe in conspiracy theories. Nothing that George Bush says or does means anything. What matters is “Did you know that Bush gets talking points from Cheney every day at 7 am over ham and eggs?” or “Cheney and Bush meet with oil producers every Tuesday for brunch,” or “Condoleeza Rice is having an affair with Hillary, you didn’t know that?”
Of course, Oswald did not kill Kennedy, O.J. was innocent because the police planted evidence, and Bush waged the Iraq war to make money for his oil buddies. These liberals know these things. They don’t just believe them, they know them. Plus, they can show you where it is written in a book.
No amount of evidence to the contrary will make a difference to them.
7. This one is a no-brainer. Liberals are biased. What they believe becomes their religion. They don’t believe in organized religion, yet they need something to believe in, so they worship liberalism and all its tenets. This is not based on logic. You can argue with them all day long and they won’t change their minds on a single thing if it disagrees with their religion.
That’s why they have difficulty with the talk-radio format. Any logical discussion will ultimately lead to conclusions that begin sounding conservative. So, since they can’t deal in logic and remain liberal, they resort to name-calling. Name-calling is fun for a while, but it gets old fast.
8. Hardcore liberals are racists. Don’t get me wrong, they are not racists in general, but only in particular. What I mean by this is, they are virulently racist against any African-American who happens to be Republican. At this party I literally heard that “Condoleeza Rice is retarded.” I immediately rejoined, “Why is it that every African-American who happens to be Republican is considered stupid by you guys?” They were taken aback, and seemed to realize how they must have sounded, and defended themselves with, “Colin Powell is smart.” I agreed, but I pointed out that they think he’s smart only because he disagrees with Bush on the war in Iraq. Anyway, even African-Americans behave like this. They call African-American Republicans and conservatives Oreos. How insulting. How racist.
I could go on and on, but I think I’ll stop while I still have my sanity.
Present-day, hardcore liberals are a superstitious lot. They are partially educated but think they are completely educated. They want a religion and they want to belong, so they vacate their logical selves and give their lives over to liberalism. This gives them buddies with whom they can chant mantras at their parties and in their lives. These mantras are their rituals.These include:
Bush is evil.On and on. They pat themselves on the back and hug and kiss each other for saying these things. They share humor based on attacking their universally common enemies. They can shout in unison and carry signs that say the same thing.
Capitalism is evil.
Business is evil.
America is bad.
Israel is bad.
Socialism is bad.
Peace is good.
War is bad.
They march lockstep like automatons. They are a communist’s wet dream.
Live and Let Live?
Shouldn’t I just let it be? Yes, in many ways I do. I don’t go to these parties to try and change anyone. I just love the people and accept them. They are, after all, good people with good hearts, and God’s children.My liberal friends have a right to believe what they do without me attempting to “fix” them. They are adults.
They even have the right to be automatons, if they want.
Yet, I do have some obligations in the matter. I don’t want to validate their thinking, and I don’t want to validate their thinking processes. Kids are dying because of their “religious” beliefs. Wars are more vicious because of their incessant propaganda for the enemy. I am obliged to at least challenge them, and let them know where I stand on these matters.
So, I speak up. I’ve managed to get to the point where I can recover socially once I see the dropped jaws after I say something pro-Bush, pro-Iraq war and so on. I don’t like hurting people, and I don’t like being ostracized. I used to hurt people and get ostracized to boot. I’ve become a bit more skilled now, though, and can say these things without causing heart attacks. Or, at least when the heart attack occurs I can soothe the victim and let him know I still love him. I still have much to learn in this area, yet I feel better now. Practice makes perfect.
I don’t speak up to necessarily change minds, although that would be nice. But I do want folks to hear the other side. I want them to know that the other side exists. I feel hardcore liberals can get all the things they seek by being in the cult of liberalism in other more productive ways. They can join a club; read books, of every persuasion, not just liberal claptrap; become a Wiccan, I don’t care. Just so they don’t make decisions that kill people because they want to belong.
(*Wikipedia is always my source unless indicated.)
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well, here i am, shamelessly promoting a political video. sad. i know. but here i go.
feel free to leave me a comment. i would love some feedback.
Kris, I've viewed your video and I think it's great. On the other hand, it's just a tad too subtle and a tad lacking in unity of message. I can't quite figure what your message is, except that you are for peace. It looks like you think we should not have gone to Iraq, but many of your pictures carry a sympathetic tone and their underlying message is about the nobility of the soldiers' effort in Iraq. But then you throw in the peace messages, out of nowhere.
I would like a good filmmaker like you on the conservative side to present an equally compelling piece. Why are all the artistic people preaching for the wrong side? If you are a pacifist, Kris, you cause war and death and suffering. Pacifism kills.
Thanks for your youtube plug and effort. I envy your skill in moviemaking/editing. I hope one day to be able to put together something so sophisticated.
Mike, again, thanks for you comments, and I'll respond when I get the time.
Have a good day.
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